Tuesday, July 19, 2011

July 19, 1979 - Nicaraguan Revolution

4' x 9' VENTANA Banner by Mike Alewitz



From the overthrow of the U.S. installed and supported Somoza dictatorship in 1979, this small, impoverished country, subjected to a brutal economic embargo and U.S. funded contra war, provided an example to the world with its humanity, its internationalism, and its culture.


The new revolution was a beacon for workers, activists and artists.  Delegations travelled to Nicaragua from throughout the world to learn from the new revolution and contribute to its survival.  Despite its meager resources, the revolutionary government, under the leadership of the Frente Sandinista de Liberacion Nacional (FSLN), threw tremendous resources into rebuilding Nicaraguan culture.


Artists solidarity groups like Ventana and Arts for a New Nicaragua organized numerous artist brigades to Nicaragua.  These brigades conducted workshops, performed, and painted murals.  Although the revolution was eventually strangled by the U.S. blockade, the experiences of those who worked in Nicaragua helped to inspire thousands of activists throughout the world..

by Mike Alewitz
Children's Hospital, Managua, Nicaragua
1989/ Approx. 8' x 60'
Assisted by Claudia Rocha
Sponsored by the Asociacion Sandinista de Trabajadores/ Ventana

Dedicated to the Children of Palestine

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